Storytelling festival-2013. "trees"

The Forest Council.
One day the trees in the forest arranged the Forest Council.
“There is the greatest problem”, the birch says.
“I cannot grow. I need light.”
The maple, the chestnut, the linden cry together: «Yes, yes, yes. Light cannot get to our leaves! You, big fir-trees and oaks, stretch your branches over us! We have no air to breathe! ».
Suddenly the birch says: «Perhaps you can cut short your branches up to the roots. »
At first all the trees say: «We agree! A good idea! »
But the small oak says in a low voice: «But how will we get the sunlight without our leaves? »
« We must think it over! », whisper all the trees.
At first it becomes very noisy and then suddenly silence fall over the forest. The maples, the lindens, the chestnuts, the fir-trees and the oaks get sad. They cannot solve the problem.
Suddenly the sunbeams touch their tops, and all the trees raise their tops together. They stretch their branches –arms up and every tree gets the sunbeam.
All the trees are happy now! «We are all one family! We must help each other! "
Автор: Аверьянова Александра
3 А, ГБОУ города Москвы СОШ № 356 имени Н. З. Коляды
руководитель: Бурдасова Е. В.
A Magic Tree.
It happened in the forest,
Dark and deep inside.
The magic of a fairy-tale
Filled our hearts.
We were walking quietly
Around a huge pine,
A tree like tsar;
Collecting branches, needles
And cones with a smell of tar.
Suddenly we heard a sign
And a whisper everywhere.
The pine-tree turned out to be alive.
We couldn’t move ourselves anywhere.
The enchanted voice told us:
“I’m bored. I’m sad.
I’m lonely and that
Is the reason of my dying!
Who can help me?
No one.”
We were frightened and surprised
But began to brush up our minds.
“How could we help the tree?”
“What the answer that could be?”
The idea flashed at once
To plant friend-trees, little ones:
Fir-trees, pine-trees all around,
Near, under and behind.
Now the tree stands bright in green
With lots of friends around.
And we can visit it in spring
And all the year round.
Автор: Коняев Даниил
3 А, ГБОУ города Москвы СОШ № 356 имени Н. З. Коляды
руководитель: Бурдасова Е. В.
My garden
Every summer I spend in the village with my grandmother and grandfather. There is a large and beautiful garden there where apple, pear, plum, cherry and many other trees grow. It is beautiful in any time of the year.
When spring comes, the garden seems to be alive. It is in blossom with white flowers and fruit smell. It’s fun to lie on green grass and watch different insects crawling up and down the trunks. The trees whisper with their leaves. I like listening to them in a windy spring day.
In summer the trees are all in green. They look like a big green pillow, where a lot of birds can have a rest after a long flying.
How wonderful the garden becomes by the end of summer! I can hardly believe my eyes when I see it full of fruits. The trees reach out their long branches like long arms. Sometimes I can hear: “Take it. Take it. It’s for you”.
Autumn is the most wonderful time of the year. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red, orange, purple, brown. “The garden gets dressed in colorful costumes and dances in windy days”, my granny tells me. I can’t see the round dance because I go to school in autumn. What a pity!
I am happy to meet my friend – trees again on New Year Eve and during winter holidays. The garden is in a deep sleep covered with a white blanket of snow. Only when spring comes, it will awake.
I like our garden very much because we are a big friendly family.
Автор: Матросов Владимир
3 А, ГБОУ города Москвы СОШ № 356 имени Н. З. Коляды
руководитель: Бурдасова Е. В.