Сценарий мюзикла "Цветик-семицветик"

The Flower-Seven petals
An Old Lady
Author: Once upon a time there lived a girl. Her name was Jane. One day her mother asked her to go shopping and buy some baked wheels. Jane bought two for her father, two for her mother, two for herself and one for her little brother Paul. Then she went home. She walked along the road looking at the windows and didn’t notice the dog chasing her and eating the baked wheels. When she looked around, it was too late.
Jane: Ah, a bad dog!
Author: She ran after the dog but couldn’t catch it. She was lost. Jane got frightened and began crying. Suddenly an old lady appeared.
Old lady: Oh, dear! Why are you crying?
Jane: The bad dog ate my baked wheels. I chased it and lost.
Old lady: Don’t worry. I’ll help you. I haven’t got any money or baked wheels but a magic flower grows in my garden: The Flower-Seven petals. It can make your wishes true.
Author: The Lady picked up the flower and gave it to Jane. The flower was really wonderful and looked like a daisy but with coloured petals : yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple and light blue.
Old lady: The Flower can do what you want. You must take one of the petals, throw it up and say:
Fly the petal to the north,
Fly the petal to the south,
Fly the petal all around
And return you to the ground
Touch it nearby my feet
And ………………..
Then say what you want.
Jane: Thank you very much. Let me see.
Fly the petal to the north,
Fly the petal to the south,
Fly the petal all around
And return you to the ground
Touch it nearby my feet
And ………return me back home with baked wheels.
Author: At once Jane found herself in the yard near her house. The boys were playing.
Jane; Boys! Can I join you?
A boy: No. Can you see we are playing a game “ The Arctic”? So we can’t take a girl with us.
Jane: Why do you think it is Arctic? I can see only sticks.
A boy: They aren’t sticks, they are ice-pieces. Get away!
Jane: Don’t you want to play with me?
Boys: No!
Jane: You are bad boys. And I don’t want to play with you. I’ll go to the North without you. And it will be real Arctic.
Author: Jane turned around and saw a calm boy sitting on the bench. He had big blue eyes. The boy looked handsome and thought to be good. Jane wanted to make friends with him. She came up to the boy.
Jane: What’s your name?
Victor: I’m Victor. And what’s your name?
Jane: Do you want to play tag with me?
V: Sorry but I can’t. I can’t walk and run.
J: What a pity! I like you and I what to run with you very much.
V: And me too. But it’s impossible.
J: Ah, Look!
Fly the petal to the north,
Fly the petal to the south,
Fly the petal all around
And return you to the ground
Touch it nearby my feet
And ……………….Get Victor better..Make Victor healthy.
V: Wow! Look! I’m OK! Hooray! Now ready I’ll get you!