Сценарий мюзикла "Робин гуд"

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Robin Hood
Maid Marian
Will Stutely, Little John, Will Scarlet, Much the Miller’s son, Allan a Dale, Friar Tuck
The Sheriff
The Abbot of St Mary’s
3 Archers
Sir Richard of Lea
Scene 1
Author: Robin set off on foot for Nottingham with his longbow and arrows. It was a fine morning in June. The fields were green and the sky was blue. Robin was young and strong and he felt that the world was new. He sang as he walked along the road.
Soon he entered Sherwood Forest. Sherwood was a very large and old forest.
The forester: Where are you going, boy?
Robin: I’m going to Nottingham. I’m going to compete in the archery contest.
The forester:Ha, ha, ha. And what will you shoot with, little boy- a cheap bow and some old arrows?
Robin:My bow is as good as yours. And I can shoot farther and straighter than you.
The F:Can you shoot one of those deer over there?
Author:It was very hard to see the animals. They were partly hidden in the trees. Robin took his bow and took careful aim. The largest of the deer fell to the ground.
The F:He has killed one of the deer! You will be punished for this. The Sheriff of Nottingham is my cousin and I will take you to him.
R: Let me pass!
(ran into the trees)
R:I wish that forester had never spoken to me. But what was done was done. Now I’m an outlaw. I couldn’t return to my home. I couldn’t see my father or Maid Marian again.
(felt asleep as he was tired)
Scene 2
Maid Marian:Robin, you are my love (sing a LOVE song)
Robin:Marian, I will return and marry you.
Scene 3
Will Stutely, Little John, Will Scarlet,Much the Miller’s son, Allan a Dale, Friar Tuck(come out on the stage and dance and fight with Robin):
Who are you?
R:I’m Robin. I’m an outlaw. I would like to take part in the archery contest and get money then to marry Maid Marian and get some land and be a knight like my grandfather was. The Sheriff had taken the land because my grandfather couldn’t pay the Sheriff’s high taxes.
Will and others:
We don’t love the Sheriff either.
We don’t love the men who collect taxes from the common people.
Let’s join and steal the tax money from the Abbot of St Mary’s. He’s going to bring taxes to the Sheriff.
R: A good idea! We’ll welcome him and have a revenge.
(run away)
Scene 4
The Sheriff and The Abbot of St Mary’s
The Sh: I will give one hundred golden crowns to the men who brings me Robin Hood – dead or alive.
The Abbot:I will catch Robin Hood and his outlaws when they’ll attack us in the Sherwood Forest.
The Sh: I promise that I’ll hang him. I’ll hold an archery festival and Robin Hood will come because he’s a good archer.
Scene 5
BLOWING THE HORNS- the festival, the festival(глашатаи)
The Sh:Watch out for Robin Hood. I am sure he will come to the contest. But it will be a trap for him.
The archers(3): shoot the arrows, Robin in the centre, the people from Nottingham on both sides of the stage cry: hooray!
The Sh: (to Robin) You are a strange-looking man. What’s your name?
R: I’m Jack of Lincoln.
The Sh: Come forward. I need archers and I invite you to join my army.What do you say about it?
R: I say no, sir. For I’m my own man. I have no need of a lord or a master.
The Sh: You are a very rude begger. But you are the champion. Here is your prize. Get out of Nottingham.
The abbot: (read the note) We eat and drink in Sherwood, for today the Sheriff gave a golden prize away. Robin Hood – the begger.
The Sh: (is screaming angrily)
Scene 6
The Abbot and his men are walking through the forest with bags of crowns. Robin and his outlaws rush into and they start fighting.
Sir Richard of Lea:
(comes out )
Sir R: Stop fighting.
The abbot(The Sheriff is coming, both of them stand on their knees): My Lord, we are trying to kill the outlaws
Sir R: I shall dicide who is an outlaw and who is not. Now stop fighting. What is your name?
(all the soldiers drop the swords.)
R: I’m Robin Hood. Have you heard of me?
Sir R: I have heard of you. I am going to let you and your men go. You are all free to return to your towns and villages. You, Robin Hood, will become a knight. You will be called Sir Robin of Locksley.
(Maid Marian is coming, everyone sings a final song)