Олимпиада " Москва любимая!"

Материалы участия в Олимпиаде для учителей английского языка города Москвы "Москва любимая!": конспект урока и самоанализ, презентация защиты урока и речь. Награды: Диплом победителя, бесплатная подписка на журнал "Английский язык в школе". Жюри было представлено заведующей каф. иностранных языков МИОО проф. Махмурян К.С., методистом МЛ иностранных языков Белоножкиной Е.Г., доцентом каф. иностранных языков МИОО Мельчиной О.П., зам. главного редактора издательства Титул Конобеевым А.В., завучем ГОУ СОШ № 19 г. Москвы, председателем предметной ассоциации учителей ин. яз. г. Москвы Горшковой Н.С., ссылка на информацию на сайте МИОО: http://www.mioo.ru/podrazdinfpage.php?id=6
План-конспект урока - скачать >>
Речь Бурдасовой Е.В. - скачать >>
Hello everyone. My name is…
I’m very glad to be here and share my experience. I’d like to start with the aims and objectives. The main aim of every lesson of English is to prepare and encourage pupils to achieve a good standard of language in this year of learning English through the skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing. So, this lesson provides learning English through speaking, reading and writing. The objectives are:
- To brush up and sum up the pupils’ knowledge about Moscow, to give additional information about Moscow sights, to develop and enrich pupils’ outlooks
- To develop spontaneous talking skills based on the students’ personal experience and views
- To teach students to express their own ideas in English, develop students’ learning skills via group and class work, develop positive ways of thinking
- To teach students to respect the traditions, to understand the culture of their native city and country
It’s very important to organize the pupils in pairs or groups before the lesson according to their differences in language skills: motivated pupils and less motivated.
The structure of the lesson is the following.
Stage 1 includes organizing and greeting that lead the students to the next stage of the lesson:
Active Presentation, which provides a suggestion for presenting the new language items without using the textbook, in a context which can attract the students’ attention.
In this lesson it’s a letter from my English-speaking pen-pal.
It’s important to prepare students for GCSE exam in every lesson.
The students are encouraged to think of the main idea of the lesson.
So, the children are faced the aim of using their knowledge about Moscow sights.
The next stage, Vocabulary Focus and Speaking, involves students in pair work activity where they have to remember the places of interest and answer the 1st question.
This is an opportunity for speaking practice.
The result of this work is the list of outdoor and indoor activities.
Then the students’ attention is focused on new sightseeings.
Of course, it’s important to organize a pronunciation work here.
Drilling can be individual or choral.
Then Active Reading and Speaking involves a technique known as jigsaw reading.
Students work in pairs, search the textbooks separately to get the information according to their individual cards and write it in their exercise-books in brief. (2-3 sent. about each place), it’s scanning reading.
Then they have to get ready to share the information in order to answer the second question.
After that the students are ready to discuss the 2nd question.
They ask questions after listening each other to get more information about these sights.
By the end of the lesson each student has enough knowledge to answer the letter.
If there is no time left, students can write the answer to the letter at home.
It will be their home task.
It’s necessary to sum up everything.
So, the question № 5 from the textbook can be used.
The home task is Reading for details p. 83-85 ex. 1, 2
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