олимпиада 9-10 класс

9-10 класс
- What’s the name of the London Underground?
a)Metro b)Tube c)Subway d)Underground
- What was J. Constable?
a) a musician b) a politician c)a painter d) a dramatist
- What is standing in the middle of Piccadilly?
a)the Statue of Eros b) the Statue of pan c)the Statue of Cromwell d)the Marble Arch
- What’s the name of the Queen’s eldest son?
a) Charles b)Philip c)Andrew d)Edward
- What is the most ancient monument in Great Britian?
a)the Lower West Gate b)Stonehege c)Hadrian’s Wall d) the Tower Gate
- The size of the house in Britain is determined by the number of…
a) sitting rooms b)kitchens c)bedrooms d)floors
- Cockney is….
a) a bird b) a dish c)an accent d) a town
- A limerick….
a)a dish b)a rhyme c)a bird d)a game
- The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain ….
a) 03 b) 09 c) 911 d)999
- How many wives did Henry VIII have?
a) 4 b) 5 c)6 d)7